True Confessions...

Hi Guys and Welcome to my blog. Hopefully i will be updating this as i make my travels around wherever i may go, be it in the near future or way off in the distance.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

All these things that i've done...

Well well well, we meet again .. finally! i do believe its been about 6 weeks since my last blog update or something similar to that at least.

So i have been in Queenstown for about a month and half now and many a things have changed from my last update, first and most important change is i have a job! I applied for a job at the Crowne Plaza hotel Queenstown and with a little help from my brother they gave me the job, so now i am a Housekeeper at this hotel and let me tell you it is harrrrrrrrrdeerrr than i ever thought it could be, its soo physically tiring and it is not stop all day! But i get free lunches which are amazing so thats always a good thing! Plus i get to see my brother a bit more because he works at the hotel too so thats an even better thing!

Whilst being in QT the list of amazing people i have met just keeps on growing, and even though most of them have left and are leaving very soon i will always remember the amazing times we shared... you guys have made traveling alot of fun these past few months! A special shout out to Josh Edwards who became a close friend of mine and Scotty's over the last month, it felt like we all came traveling together and had know each other for a lot longer than we actually had! It was a very sad day to see him leave but i know he is going to be having an amazing time in Australia before he heads home to start university. I wish you all the best and i am sure we will see each other again!
  Before Joshy left it happened to be his 19th birthday, and what better way to celebrate it than with A BAR CRAWL! We decided it would be a good idea to have a 19 bar - bar crawl and we were determined to do it! The bars included

Monty's           Monty's has been crossed off of the list because they didn't accept english driving licenses!
Lone Star
World Bar
Red Rock

Sky bar
Searle Lane
Bar up
Debajo    Was added in place of Monty's
Boiler room
FERGBURGER!!!!    For some tasty food!

Me, Scotty, Sarah, Viccy, Nina, Greta  all completed the bar crawl and enjoyed the reward of a nice Fergburger before bed time... Josh However made it to Sky bar and decided not to carry on with the rest of the bar crawl but head back to Altitude to succeed in pulling, but it was to no avail! However because it was his birthday we let him off the hook.

Also for Josh's Birthday he decided he wanted to do one of the many activities available around QT before he departed for Aus. It was settled that the jet boating was the best option as it was one of the cheaper activities and basically it looked like fun. Well it was an adventure that took 3 hours and it was alot of fun! Firstly skippers canyon is about an hours drive from Queenstown on a dangerous road, The tour takes you through skippers canyon (obviously) along the original gold rush roads which are barely used any more so as you can imagine they are quite rocky, on high cliffs and very narrow so all the while you are driving towards the boat you are bouncing up and down in your seat knowing that at any moment the driver could make a mistake and you would go hurtling towards imminent death, but hey ho, whats life without a little bit of danger! So we finally make to the Jet boat after an hour on those windy roads... let the fun times begin!

The drivers of these boats are insane!!! its even more dangerous than the bloody 4WD journey to it.. they skim across about 10 cm of water at crazy speeds whilst you can hear the rocks hitting the bottom of the boat and your going so fast that you cant even concentrate on the fact that once again you could die at any minuet and on top of that they steer the boat so close to the rocks that if you where to stick your arm even an inch out of the boat you would loose it! I have not had that much fun in a while! 45 minuets of skimming and spinning and almost losing your head your headed back to the bus to begin the hour long drive home down those same windy rocky roads. Well worth the money and such an awesome fun day out! :)

Now for some Exciting news Me and my best buddy Scotty Mika Sideshow bob Homer have booked flights to the amazing destination of FIJI!

We head out in May, which i have been told by a Native that it is one of the best months to go so that is pretty exciting! We are going for 7 days and plan on spending a night on each island and being real island hoppers! I am too excited. We are even planning a night on the famous Party island a.k.a Beachcomber island which only takes a tiny 7 minuets to walk around the whole thing!

And hopefully we will be able to swim with Manta Rays on Manta ray resort as i have read it only costs a cheerful $15 which is pretty damn cheap!. I am looking forward to be getting out of QT for a short while this trip to fiji will be like taking a mini holiday within a very long holiday! White sandy beaches, clear blue seas and blazing sunshine (hopefully) what more could you ask for? 

So if i remember correctly im my lost update i ranted on about how much we played frisbee, so yer well that phase passed pretty quickly and we no longer play it, now whether thats due to the weather or the fact we are now more lazy than ever, i cant really say but maybe one day we will get back into it, maybe when we play frisbee on the nice beaches of paradise ^^ :)  

The weather in QT is too bizarre for me to even comprehend, it can go from one day being torrential rain on the brink of major floods to the next day being glorious sunbathing/tanning weather... its very strange, you can just never predict it. At the moment it has been turning quite cold with the peaks of the surrounding mountains being covered in snow, making the scenery just amazing to look at.

Definitely going to need to invest in some warmer clothes soon! 

QT is home to some amazing walks 
1 is up to the gondola
2 is up to Ben Lomond
and 3 is QT hill, there is also the walk to frankton but that one isn't very challenging.

Ben Lomond
By far the most physically tiring thing i have ever done, we left to do this walk at about 1:30 and got back round 8:30/9 ish so its not for the faint hearted as it is quite a challenge. Although i didn't personally make it all the way to the top, and yes some of you may see that as a failure, but making it to the saddle which is just below the summit was a major achievement for me because i have never in my life done anything as challenging, which i can remember at least. 

Up to the Gondola 
This walk is the prelude to the Ben Lomond walk, unless you want to be lazy and get the Gondola up the first part, we were not so lazy. So we did this walk and the BL walk on the same day as it kind of comes as a package. This section takes about 1.5 hours and its quite challenging as it is quite steep and most of the pathway is covered in broken trees and rocks, which if your clumsy, im sure can cause quite an accident. the Views from the top of this walk are amazing!... you can see over the whole of QT you feel like God! :) ha-ha.

QT hill
My favourite walk of QT, so good ive done it twice. Still quite a challenging walk, as i imagine any walk up a mountain is ;) but it is manageable because even though it is going uphill it has alot of flat parts for you to be able to give your calfs a tiny rest before taking on the next incline. I also like it quite alot because most of the walk is through heavily covered forest areas and it is so peaceful its kind of eerie, but i like that.  When you get up to the top you get full 360 views across QT and the surrounding areas. There is also an amazing part where people have built those mini structures out of stones and it looks pretty inspiring! Along the walk they also have boards with little facts about the History of QT, which for me is pretty cool!

So as you can see i am thoroughly enjoying my travels and my time in QT! It will be a sad time when it comes to leave this place i now call home but thats all a part of traveling, you come and you go and even though you love a place there is a pretty high chance that there is somewhere else in the world just waiting to be discovered by you and waiting for you to call it home. 

What are you waiting for guys?... Don't spend you life in a job you hate or a town you have never left, there is so much of the world for you too see, so much to make you happy. Remember, you are the only one who can change your life, no one is going to come along and change it for you, so stop moaning about it and get changing it!

Peace out till next time Homies ;) Love you all so much!

'Life is what you make it, so make it worth living' - Amy Charlotte Ward
'Over and again, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done'

'Let this train wreck burn more slowly,
kids are victims in this story
Drown the youth with useless warnings,
teenage rules they're fucked and boring'

I have decided on my longer blog updates I'm going to include some side projects that could involve anything. This week i am including mini reviews on all the films i have seen whilst in Queenstown.

Side project 
   All the movies that have been watched in Queenstown.
The Hunger games
 - An awesome movie that shows a chaotic future where the youth of the day are forced to pay with their lives for the mistakes made by their ancestors. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole movie experience with the contrast of the dull and boring colours shown in the districts clashing with the outrageous and over the top colours and decor of the main city, the Hunger games definitely catches your attention from the very beginning. Being forced to watch innocent 12 -18 year olds get slaughtered by each other for the sheer entertainment of the general public, and being forced to play manipulating mind games with each other to save their own lives can be a hard thing for anyone to watch, but for me it was interesting to see the boundaries that people would push in order to preserve their lives. Definitely a movie that exceeds limitations 10/10 from me. 

- The fourth movie in quadrilogy, as an avid fan of most vampire movies and fantasy movies i enjoyed watching the first three and i always knew going in to the movie i was going to like it and that is exactly what happened. A slightly cheesy movie full of the classic cliches that any vampire movie has, but mixed with some pretty decent action sequences even though most of it is CGI, filled with a bit of a twist half way through the movie, threw me slightly off guard because i didn't really see it coming but i guess the movie kind of needed that twist to make it slightly more exciting. It did however have an epic battle conclusion so thats always a plus. 6/10 from me.

Project X
-The worlds greatest ever house party! Starts out with these 3 geeky kids planning a house party for one of their birthday parties whilst his parents are out of town... now at this point you are thinking how can this film be any good, i mean a film about a house party thrown by three nerdy kids can't lead into anything worthwhile. However, exactly the opposite happens, it turns into the craziest mother-fucking house party on earth filled with, thousands of people, midgets in ovens, dogs floating away in balloons, jumping off roofs into bouncy castles, cars driven into pools and so much fire the neighbourhood almost burns to the ground. It is the most ridiculous film i have ever seen but it was too funny so it was also an amazing film 9/10 from me.

A Few Best men
- A story of a backpacker who meets the girl of his dreams whilst traveling and they decide to get married. The groom to be and his best men head off to australia for an extravagant wedding in the brides home town. The story follows the best men and how they all manage to fuck up the grooms big day in many ways, almost causing the wedding to be cancelled. Full of funny gags jokes, some involving a pig in drag which i think is pretty unique. In the end its another romantic comedy favouring a little more to the comedy so i give it an 7.5 /10

- Three teenagers find a crater in the ground a little ways away from a school party they were attending and  in it they find some sort of alien rock, which turns out to hold some mystical powers which ends up giving all of them the ability to control objects with their minds and the ability to fly. As with everything the beginning is great and they are having an awesome time playing around with their new found powers, however things take a turn for the worst and to cut a long story short, two of them end up dead and the other one ends up taking up some missionary work on some mission from god to use his abilities for good.  Filmed on a hand held camera i don't recommend watching whilst hungover, as my brother would tell you. 7/10 from me.