True Confessions...

Hi Guys and Welcome to my blog. Hopefully i will be updating this as i make my travels around wherever i may go, be it in the near future or way off in the distance.

Friday, 30 September 2011

I wanna be sedated...

So today i bit the bullet and booked my flights to New Zealand for Jan 16th 2012. 

My Journey includes a 5 hour Stopover in LAX, as i am going all the way on my own i didn't think it was worth including a short stay in L.A. as i feel this is a place you share with other people, also i would find it a bit daunting being there on my own.

  5 hours was the shortest stop over time some were like 10 hours, and i don't think i could manage that long. 5 hours is probably a long enough time to find entertainment in an airport! 

From there i get on my second flight headed to Auckland. This is probably a bit lame and dorky but I'm quite excited about this flight because it is with Qantas airlines, and i don't really know why but, in my book they kind of seem like the superior airline, so even though I'm traveling economy I'm hoping for some ultra comfort and some great in-flight entertainment.

So after the epic 2 day journey i will (hopefully) arrive in Auckland in one piece :)

From there i will find my friends! and my brother :) and hopefully we will have some amazing times journeying and create some unforgettable memories although im sure they will have already created some by the time i get there! :)

I'm just too excited for my Journey to begin! Roll on Jan 2012!  

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Famous Last Words...

Hey Guys!...

              So guess what?!?!?       Im heading to New Zealand in January! woop woop!.
I have already started saving and as soon as i have the money i will be booking my flights... exciting stuff! So like everyone else has the idea of doing, i have set up this blog so i can keep you lovely people informed on the things i will see, the places i will go and the people i will meet, and i hope to inspire you to do new things and go new places.

It will be a massive step to take but i believe i will be prepared for it as i am ready for some adventure and i am keen to start a new chapter in my life! Even though i will have to make the mammoth journey out there on my own i shall have plenty of company once i arrive (hopefully) in the form of the three musketeers, Scott Homer, Shane Ramsden and Alice tarry, and also from my big brother Glen! who i miss very much as its been a while since i last saw him!

So the future is looking bright for me and i am majorly excited about what it will bring.